Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In which the Hero vaingloriously aspires to amazing things

Apotheosis The Vug

“Whole societies were paralyzed by the mind-blasting vistas of absolute possibility.”
- Schismatrix

Episode II
In which the Hero vaingloriously aspires to amazing things


It is hard to believe that when I woke up this morning I did not know that a band named “The Fuck Buttons” existed. Thanks to technology and vast iterations of base 2, I have been enlightened. It seemed only fitting that I share this gift with those who, like me, woke up in ignorance.
If you have not heard my extended apologetic regarding the proper use of sounds conventionally considered to be profane, I suggest you do so for your own edification.

Chapter I
Motivation, Absurdity, and Hope
A veiled jest (?)

Tuesdays are very important in my own personal mythos. Some of you may think that this is because I was born on a Tuesday. This is partly true, though this discovery was more explanatory than generative. As an heir to the mighty Norse, I have always had hidden away in the deep, moist recesses of my subconscious that our modern “Tuesday” is adopted from “Tyr’s Day,” or the day of the Norse god of war. It is a day for battles, for conquering. A day to see your enemies driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women. A day to sketch out my next line of pictures and write about it on the internet.
As I am trying to wrest from the writhing madness of my life some recognizable and comforting patterns, I intend to make this my regular day of advance on this front. Or, rather, on two fronts: the art front and the e-front (luckily, my ancestors got out of Germany in the nineteenth century, so we never learned that lesson).
In this spirit, I spent much of my day scribbling out ideas while listening to the soothing music of The Fuck Buttons and curling my toes into the warm fuzzy underbelly of Augustus the Cat. I decided that I will attempt to adopt themes for each bout of art. I did this for two reasons. First, my psyche moves in cycles, and different thematic elements emerge in my art in their due seasons. Secondly, I like the intellectual challenge of tying together a picture of an elephant coming out of a guys mouth with one of a naked woman’s back peeling off in long elegant strips into a single unified theme.

Chapter II
A Gift Horse's Mouth
an (small) amalgam of media

This blog is, ostensibly, mostly about stroking my distended, tender ego and promoting my hyper-oxygenated wonder-art. As such it would not be complete without images of this art. I am, I must admit, reticent to post said images. Many of these ideas have been with me for some time. They have evolved, become friends, even. To expose them in their early sketched out stages feels slightly like exposing the nakedness of a loved one to the world. It is also a pain to scan, adjust, rescan, adjust, and resize them all in order to get them out into the ether.
A large part of my intentions for this blog was that it serve as an impetus for me to look into my own process of art-making, to solicit critical opinions from my self and from others regarding my art, and to become more tech savvy in order to show up my students who continually make snide remarks regarding my old cellular telephone and my alleged ignorance of popular culture (they have not heard of the Fuck Buttons). It seems only fair, therefore, that I put something up here, to set a good precedent. I will settle for baby steps in this, my initial attempt, and give you only a small slice of an idea as it has surfaced over time.



It is coming up on my bedtime, now, so I will bring this all to an end. As time goes on I hope to become more advanced in every aspect of my character that is on display in this blog, including (but not limited to) punctuality, wit, and quality control. I hope to see you next Tyr's Day here at Apotheosis The Vug.

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